Fashion Fest: What’s hot and what’s not at Coachella

April 23, 2010, 12:14 a.m.

Fashion Fest: What's hot and what's not at CoachellaThis year’s Coachella was the best that it has been in quite a while. Amazing music, sweet installations and even a Ferris wheel! One of my personal favorite attractions was the motorized “Light-up Shark,” which moved by itself and can travel up to 25 mph, which was mind-blowing. When I wasn’t entrenched in the crowd for Dirty Projectors or on the outskirts of Hot Chip eating what festival-goers call “Spicy Pie,” you bet that I was scoping out Coachella fashion. While some people brought their fashion A-game to Coachella, other outfit choices were questionable–but when I saw an outfit I liked, I really liked it.

I love rompers! My favorite Coachella rompers had adorable small floral print and/or had inventive cutouts. Some rompers were solid in color, but had great cutout shapes on the lower back or above the midriff.

Wide-brimmed floppy hats
These hats were not something I was expecting to like, but they really caught my eye! These floppy hats not only protected smart Coachella fans’ faces, but also looked so classy. Paired with big dark sunglasses, they looked dramatic and flirty. And of course, these hats look so chic with everything!

Lace T-shirts
How many kinds of lace clothes did I see at Coachella? Hundreds. Some worked less well than others. However, I loved the lace T-shirts that I saw in the crowds. They were airy and elegant–perfect for the desert. These shirts should be lightweight and paired with layered necklaces and chunky bracelets. They also look great with cut-off denim shorts! (But let’s clarify that cut-off shorts does not mean that they should cover less than your bright red Victoria’s Secret booty shorts…puh-lease.)

These pieces really rocked the concert grounds, but let me just say that there were more fashion faux pas than there were hippies smoking weed. I was shocked by what people thought was appropriate attire! Here are some of Coachella’s most shocking moments, and evidence for why a good taste in music does not necessarily equate to a good taste in style.

How to NOT Wear Your Hair
If you have plastic flowers, bad pieces of streaked extensions, an upside-down-turned visor circa the fifth grade beach party in 1998, double-stacked Justin Timberlake fedoras or (the worst) actual lanyard strings tied into your hair making you look like a Chia Pet, then you do NOT look cute!

How to NOT Wear Your Clothes
If your body needs a trip to the gym, that does not mean that you should leave your articles of clothing at home. It seems as though the more that people let their body go, the less clothing they think they can wear. This year, the gut hanging out over those short shorts and under those crop tops (on men and women alike) was just plain rude. Know what’s flattering for your body type, and as a general safety rule, if an outfit is something that you would expect to see in a strip club, you probably shouldn’t risk wearing it!

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